CBV Renovations Foster Well-Being
Where you live has a significant impact on your life and how you live. As early as 498 B.C., Hippodamus of Miletus, known as “the father of urban planning”, used grids and open spaces to beautify Greek cities and enhance the quality of life of their citizens. Today, the degree to which the “built environment” influences our health is well documented—from the amount of sunlight and space to air circulation levels and even paint colors. Environmental factors like these and many others come into play, affecting our ability to exercise autonomy, develop socially supportive relationships and manage stress and fatigue.
Central Baptist Village has long known the beneficial connection between our well-being and physical surroundings. Early on, CBV began incorporating best practices to improve independent living in its built environment based on the recommendations from innovative studies conducted by the Gerontological Society, National Institute of Health and the Administration on Aging, among others.
From the gracious main dining room to the Village Café, fireside lounge, creative arts studio, and the many green “rooms” in our gardens, there is no shortage of inviting places in which to gather with others or spend quiet time alone. CBV remains committed to ongoing improvements and upgrades to the community’s private and public spaces.
This year’s renovations include both individual residences and communal areas, with careful consideration given to not just where walls come down or go up, but to creating views of CBV’s spectacular gardens and their winding paths and shady arbors.
The Gardenside Lounge on the first floor of The Pavilion, scheduled to be completed in January, offers new opportunities for residents to connect with their families and one another. By removing an interior wall, the design by Perkins Eastman opens up the existing room to the corridor, forming an elegant, yet cozy, gathering space.
Aimed at fully engaging the senses, the new lounge features a fireplace, bookshelves, comfortable open seating areas, and calming views of the Memory Garden and seasonal color changes. The renovations also allow for the creation of another new lounge which will accommodate programs for first-floor Pavilion residents.
In addition, living rooms on both floors of the Pavilion will be expanded, repurposing space formerly taken up by a nurse’s station that is being moved. The Pavilion’s dining rooms and spas will also undergo upgrades and new decor. Of course, designer touches and colorful accents are planned throughout all of the renovated areas.
A multi-year apartment renovation program in The Commons is also underway. Renovations include updating apartments in The Commons with new flooring, bathrooms and kitchens, complete with new appliances to improve and assist in independent living.